台灣人,畢業於ESAG Penninghen 藝術學院碩士。旅法七年半, 先後於巴黎及上海從事設計相關職業,近幾年則轉為以繪畫為主的自由接案創作者。 喜愛以觀察者的視角來描述自然的生態、演化、行為,將生物重組和重塑成新的形象,自然與土地的故事也經常成為作品的中心和主題。

2022. 6  南投毓繡美術館 無明聯展
2019. 11 上海衡山和集 The Shanghairen 主題聯展
2019. 9  上海寶龍美術館 亞洲插畫藝術節聯展
2018. 12 巴黎 59 rivoli 孔版印刷聯展
2018. 4  花蓮 島東譯電所 叢生個展
2017. 12 巴黎 Atelier Hauteville tambours 孔版印刷聯展
2017. 9  法國聖但尼 6B 空間 jungles 叢林主題聯展

Yu-Hsuan Wang
Artist from Taiwan who Studied and worked in Paris for 7 years.
Master degree in graphic design and art direction in ESAG Penninghen in Paris. She is fond of delineating natural ecology, evolution, and behaviors from an observer’s perspective, and utilizes drawing to reconstruct living beings to create new images. Meanwhile, her work discusses individual creatures and ecosystems, along with their relationship with other species. For this reason, stories about nature and land have often become the focus and theme of her work as well. 

JUN 2022 - Nantou Yu-Hsiu Museum of art - Realities of ignorance
NOV 2019 - Shanghai the Mix Place - the Shanghairen
SEP 2019 - Shanghai Asia Illustration Fair
DEC 2018 - Paris 59 Rivoli - Multiples
APR 2018 - Hualien solo exhibition Sous-Bois
DEC 2017 - Paris Atelier Hauteville - Tambour
SEP 2017 - Saint-Denis Le 6B - Jungles

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